Take a hard pass on the student loans. Say yes to financial independence, career potential, and academic success with Vivint. Apply today!
Tuition costs are only increasing, so skip the stats.
Work for Vivint and easily cover your own college expenses.
Most college graduates finish school with an average of $37,000 in student loan debt.
Student loan debt continues to rise — it’s increased 117% in the last 13 years.
Every 1% increase in loan debt decreases the prospect of owning a home by 15%.
You could earn enough money in one summer to cover a year of college and expenses with cash left over.
When you work with the smart home industry leader. success starts now.
Forget balancing academics and a job. When you can pay for your own education outright, you don’t have to work during the school year.
Learn how to build relationships. Cultivate discipline, autonomy, and a strong work ethic — positioning you for academic and long-term career success.
Financial independence means more than debt-free education. With Vivint, you’ll have the freedom to fund your recreation, too. Work hard. Play harder.
Take a hard pass on the student loans. Say yes to financial independence, career potential, and academic success with Vivint. Apply today!